Friday, October 29, 2010

24 October 2010 - Get Ready to Vote!

Hi all,

Not a ton to report for this week. Joanne and I took advantage of Fall Break at the college to go to Columbus and attend the temple. We've figured out that if we drop the girls off for school at 8 AM and head straight to Columbus, we can make the 11 AM session and then head straight back to catch the girls at the bus stop at 3:30. It's nice we have a sister in the ward just across the road from our neighborhood who can get them if we're not quite back in time.

This time on the way back, Joanne took a nap. While I was driving, I got stuck behind this semi, so I took his picture. The white sign on the back of his trailer says "This Vehicle Make A Wide Turn". He also make a slow drive in the fast lane on I-70.

Given that elections are coming up, I also wanted to share the following with you. As you know, we all have a civic duty to vote, and this resource is sure to help you. This may be the greatest piece of journalistic reporting of all time (with apologies to Ed Guzman -- friend and newspaper editor extraordinaire). The Christian Science Monitor has done Americans a great service here.

It may take you 20 minutes or so to get through all 10 of these political ads, but they're totally worth it (especially since it's almost Halloween and some of them are downright horrifying). I especially like the machine gun totin' mama running for office in Arizona, and be sure not to miss the honorable mention about the mayor of Winnipeg on the last page of the article:

10 Weirdest Political Ads

Enjoy these specimens of Freedom of Speech!


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