Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1 August 2010 - Patio Work/Off to Cape Cod

Joanne decided that she wanted to make Jessica a quilt for her birthday. She likes to do patchworks, and uses hundreds of pieces to make intricate patterns and designs. The number of hours invested in this quilt is in the triple digits.We have a sister in our ward who suffers from many health problems and doesn't have much money. A brother in the ward found this air conditioner for her and on a sweltering late July day this week, I went over and installed it for her. She was most grateful.
Ever since I got my motorcycle, having the garbage cans in the garage has been a hassle. I never liked them in there anyway, but with the high winds we get at our house sometimes, we've always been hesitant to put them anywhere outside. Finally this week I decided that I wanted to make a back patio under our deck, and that this was a prime time to build a sturdy shelter for the trash and recycling cans. This is the start.
Joanne wanted a stamped concrete patio, so I made a stamp that makes the concrete look like rectangular pavers.
Here is the shelter with paint to match the deck and the patio concrete starting to harden and dry.
After being busy with projects all week, the time came for our vacation to Cape Cod. We decided the 10 hour drive would be more tolerable if we split it up, so we left on Friday for Uncle Jerry and Aunt Danae's house in northern New Jersey. The girls were glad to see their cousins Calista and Eden. This is Jessica with baby Eden.
Eden liked me OK, but I'm not sure if that's joy or fear on her face.
Saturday morning we were joined by Joanne's brother Karl and his family from Delaware, and we headed for Cape Cod. The route we took went through New York City. Traffic was awful and it took us much longer than the four or so hours it should have taken to get there. Check out the line up.
We were moving so slowly we didn't have to stop or get out to take this picture of the Cape Cod welcome sign. To make matters worse, the air conditioning in Joanne's car had gone out when we got to New Jersey, so the slow ride was also very warm.
We had rented a beach house for the week for our vacation. This is the gate and pool house.
Here is the main beach house.
After many hours in the car with no air conditioning, the kids wasted no time getting in the pool at the beach house Saturday evening.

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