Tuesday, February 10, 2009

8 February 2009 - Science Fair

Jessica's plant-related science project won first place for the fourth grade group. She also got an award for her poster design. We were proud of her and hope this encourages her to remain interested in science, but we also talked a little bit about fairness in these types of things. There were several projects at the science fair where the kid had clearly done most, if not all, of the work themselves. Sometimes the posters were hand written, the images were crooked or low quality - it was clear they hadn't had much adult assistance in getting their project done. Yet in several instances the projects themselves were pretty good, and no matter how hard the kid worked on the presentation, it was not going to look as nice as a kid's who has two college professors for parents. Obviously we made sure that Jessica did her own work and fulfilled the requirements as she should have, but at least to some extent, the recognition she's received is because we helped her do a nice job. I feel that the kids who did the best they could, all on their own, deserve to be acknowledged for good work as well. Just some philosophical food-for-thought.

This week was Madeline's turn with the class teddy bear, froggy. Froggy lives in a backpack and goes home with one kid each week. I also think he bathes in Febreze and Lysol each day that he goes back to school (at least I hope he does).
All of the girls got to choose a book at the book fair this week, so they've been taking turns reading to each other.
Madeline made me a tie at school. It's my favorite one now. It has fruit and animals on it.
Have a good week,
