Monday, October 20, 2008

19 October 2008: Charlotte / Stake Conference

Joanne went to Charlotte, NC this week for the AFPA Mind and Body Conference. It was a little rough being home with all three girls, but she pulls it off all the time when I travel, so I figure it was definitely my turn to take one for the team.

Saturday was Homecoming for W&J. We went to a tailgate lunch and saw Joan Downing, who is now in graduate school at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. We haven't seen Joanie in a while, the girls were disappointed to hear that she wasn't here to babysit them, but they were still glad to see her. They wanted to read the coal miner's book while we were on campus, and then we went to part of the homecoming football game.Saturday afternoon I took the girls to the stake center for stake conference. I had priesthood leadership meeting at 4 PM and the evening session at 7 PM, so it made for a long day. The girls were very good.

The Sunday morning session was at a high school near the city, and Joanne's flight home was landing just after 1 PM, so we went to stake conference, then to a park to get some wiggles out while we waited for mommy's flight to arrive. We played on the swings... ...on the rocky horses...
...and drove the train!For the first time in her life, Emily mastered the monkey bars without anyone holding her legs. It was such a momentous accomplishment, she had to show mommy on our monkey bars when we got home.The thing that makes daddies so cool is they let you do this stuff in your church clothes. (And they give you pop tarts in your lunch box.)

If you get bored this week and need a compelling read, check out this excellent Wall Street Journal article from Stanford Law professor Lawrence Lessig.