Tuesday, October 14, 2008

12 October 2008 - Visitors from Maryland

I've got kind of a picture heavy update for this week (Don't forget you can click on them to see them in big form). Pictures are more interesting than reading the minutiae of my life though. Joanne has recently become addicted to making patchwork quilts for humanitarian aid. This is one she recently finished.Madeline had a preschool trip to Simmons Farm and got a baby pumpkin!
She petted a bunny...
...and a goat.
Emily lost both top front teeth this week.
Madeline has decided she loves curly hair.
At soccer on Saturday morning, she decided she was cold, and I decided I was hot, so I took off my sweatshirt, and Madeline put it on.
Baby cousin Calista brought her mommy (Danae) and daddy (Jerry) to visit for the weekend. We got the tandem swing going for her.She was a monster on the slide.
And she's just too darn cute for her own good.
That's about it for this week. Have fun, happy fall.
