Tuesday, February 1, 2011

30 January 2011 - Back at W&J

On Monday morning at 5 AM, I left Pennsylvania for Maryland. I had determined over the weekend that we needed to remain in Pennsylvania, and when I arrived at the University around 9:30, I immediately went to see the Dean. She was very kind and we spoke for some time about whether or not the job was going to work out. Ultimately we determined that it was not in my best interest nor the University's for me to remain in the position. I met with my department chair and several colleagues that morning to share the news with them, then cleaned out my office (believe it or not, I had moved a good number of things in already).

I went to lunch with my department chair, and when I returned, I found an email informing me that Billy Shriver had died. Billy's dad Bill died just 16 months ago, and his mom, Opal, is a very dear friend in our ward. She has known much heartache in the past couple of years. Billy died of organ failure due to alcoholism, and Opal had tried for years to encourage Billy to get help. Though he was only 57, he never could overcome the demon of addiction.

I knew Opal would need support, so once my office was cleaned out, I turned in my faculty ID, parking pass and computer and headed for home. I arrived just after 11 PM Monday night. It was a long day, exhausting both physically and emotionally, but I knew choosing to stay in Pennsylvania was the right thing. The people at the university in Maryland were so kind and nice, I think under different circumstances I would have really enjoyed working with them, but things just weren't quite right at this time.

On Tuesday, I was at the funeral home when Opal arrived. She wrapped her arms around me and cried and said: "Oh Bishop, I prayed all night that you'd be here this morning." I was grateful I was there for her. We had a viewing on Thursday night and a very nice service on Friday morning. In between, I moved back into my office at W&J and began to feel like I was home again and getting back to normal.

In the meantime, the kids have been continuing in their craftiness. Madeline has been making Valentine purses for the girls in her class and wallets for the boys. Busy times for all of us.On Saturday, I rode the bus with the girls to New Castle, PA (about 1 1/2 hours north) for their swim meet. Jessica improved her best time in three of her four events and won two heats, while Emily improved one of her best times and won one heat. They both did very well at this meet.

We're now looking forward to a little more return to normal, though not for long. I leave for Utah on February 12th, and Joanne gets her turn in Utah on March 8th.

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