Monday, January 26, 2009

25 January 2009 - Science Project

This week has focused a lot of time on Jessica's Science Project. She decided to water four plants with different liquids to see what would happen. She chose Apple Juice (which gets to stinkin' pretty bad after 10 days in a warm house), Sprite, Tap Water and Salt Water. We even looked up the consistency of Ocean Water (3.5% salt) and mixed it up. Jessica watered and faithfully measured plant height and leaf length for 10 days. Salt Water and Apple Juice helped leaves grow (although the Salt Water leaves are turning a little brown now), and Sprite helped the plant grow taller at first, but then it shrank! She used Baby Jade plants, which are very hearty.
On Saturday, when all the data was collected, we spent several hours preparing her poster.
We had to try several different layouts to get everything to fit.
Once everything was on, Joanne worked her crafty magic and made the poster beautiful. The science fair will be next week.Matt