Friday, June 18, 2010

13 June 2010 - Piano Recital

School this year went well into June because of all the school we missed during the big snow in February. I think the teachers were trying to come up with things for the kids to do during the last extended week of school, so I got lots of Father's Day treasures from the kids. They came in a little ahead of Father's Day though.On Friday night, the girls had their piano recital. This photo has Emily and Madeline. Jessica played too, but wasn't in the photo, probably because she brought a friend to the recital and was more interested in playing with her.
Jessica received an award at an assembly during the last week of school for Academic Achievement. She's right in the middle in this picture.
On Saturday, we were invited to Carina's birthday party. Carina is a little girl in our ward. Her dad, Cliff, grilled for us and the girls went swimming in her pool. It was plenty hot for swimming, but late in the afternoon, it started to rain, and the party was over.


  1. I love the reason Madeline thinks you are special! That's AWESOME! :-)

  2. Were you able to read that on the photo? I didn't think I mentioned what she said, so you must have been able to read it.
