Monday, September 8, 2008

7 September 2008 - Wicked!

Just a quick update for this week. We did settle into our school routines more after the day off for Labor Day. On Friday, we took the girls to Pittsburgh for dinner, then to the Benedum Center to see Wicked. We had really enjoyed it in Chicago this summer, and knew the girls would like it, so when we found it was coming to Pittsburgh for five weeks, we went ahead and bought tickets. The girls even dressed up a bit, but unfortunately we forgot our camera, and the camera on my phone is about as crappy as they come, so unfortunately no pics of the kids at the theater. They did have a fantastic time, and they are learning some etiquette in nice restaurants, though Madeline still has some wiggles to work out.

The show made for a late night -- it didn't even end until 10:45 PM, and Pittsburgh is a good 35 minute drive. Plus we had to give a guy a jump in the parking garage because he had left his lights on and killed his battery, so we didn't get out of the city until around 11:30.

Fall soccer has started, so we slept in a little Saturday morning and then went to morning practice. When Sunday came, we wanted to rest a little. When I got home from the church, Joanne was upstairs taking a nap, but all three girls had found a laptop and were simultaneously playing games and watching a movie. We're raising a generation of techno-junkies.I figured I'd better take a picture of my little protoge's all lined up with laptops on the couches.

Happy fall,

Matt, et al.