Monday, June 30, 2008

22 June 2008 - Utah (Week 2)

Hello everyone,

Well, I got a little behind on the blog during this week trying to get back on track after returning to Pennsylvania from Utah. We had a good trip, but we're also glad to be home.

We had a family photo shoot at Murray Park with all of the families from my parents side. After the photo shoot, we let the girls play in the park for a while. This is Madeline with cousin Megan.Here is my mom and dad with all of their grandkids.
The girls were good sports about the photo shoot, and we got some good pics.
On the Saturday before our trip ended, we went to the mountains near Cedar Fort to ride four wheelers. The kids did a decent job immediately finding an old fire pit and getting filthy in the dirt and ashes.
Don't I look awesome in a motorcycle helmet? Madeline looks better than me I think.
We went to the Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum with Grandma Fails. The girls had a lot of fun there.
We even got to watch a 3-D Dinosaur IMAX movie, and look cool doing it.
We spent Tuesday at Temple Square in Salt Lake. We rode the train to the city and walked around the grounds and the Main Street plaza.
We also got to see my old mission president, Elder Claudio Costa, who currently serves as a member of the presidency of the Seventy. We had a very nice visit with him for an hour or so, catching up on the goings on in Brazil and discussing common friends. He also gave me some good advice about being a bishop, which was greatly appreciated.
We went swimming almost every day of our trip. This was taken under the bucket dumper at the Scera Swimming pool in Orem. Madeline is in the pink swimming suit just to the left of the waterfall.
That's about all for the trip to Utah. We were glad we got to see so many of you while we were there.

Best wishes,

Matt, Joanne and Girls