Thursday, April 29, 2010

25 April 2010 - Emily's Baptism

It was great this weekend to have so many members of our family in town for Emily's baptism. Joanne's brother Karl was called to be the bishop of his ward in Delaware, so he wasn't able to join us until Sunday afternoon. Fortunately all plans came together at Emily was baptized at 5 PM Sunday afternoon with Grammie & Grandpa North, Grandma Fails, and a whole bunch of aunts, uncles, cousins and even a few neighbors in attendance.The baptism girl in her white dress.
You can't have a baptism without an eight-year-old birthday party. All three grandparents made it into town in time for her birthday party Thursday evening.
Our evenings and weekends are very busy with soccer practice these days. Most of our visitors got to see a little bit of the kids in action.It was a double birthday weekend because Emily's cousin Calista from New Jersey turned three on Sunday. We had princess cupcakes......and even a princess cake.All in all, it was a great weekend. The house was full and busy, but it was great to see everyone again and to spend time with our family on such an important occasion.


  1. oooooh Matt....was hoping to see pics of your family..ur mom and dad and all! boo hoo :-(

  2. You know how my mum and dad are, usually behind the camera, not too much in front of it. Plus, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off most of the weekend and not thinking "Hey, we really should get a photo of this!". I'll have to pay more attention to such photo ops in the future ;-)
