Sunday, November 22, 2009

22 November 2009 -- Daddy's Birthday

So, I hate to admit it, but I had a birthday this week. I guess the only reason I hate to admit it is because I'd prefer to just stay young. The girls all wanted their picture with me for the bday celebration.
The girls made me some happy birthday cut out letters.
They also made me a cake, and Joanne's mom sent me a window mount for my iPhone, which will come in handy when I use it as a GPS in my truck.All in all, I can't complain. It was a pretty enjoyable birthday.


  1. Parabens Matt ! Fico muito feliz em ver voce e sua linda familia gozando do que e mais importante na vida A FELICIDADE NO LAR , e isso so e obtido mediante a observancia dos mandamentos de DEUS.Mais uma vez, meus PARABENS AMIGO QUE DEUS ABENÇOE VOCE QUATRO LINDAS PEROLAS PRECIOSAS.
    Abraços. Ah acho que a Marlene e o marido virã0 aqui para casa em janeiro. Andrade

  2. Andrade, obrigrado pelos parabens! Dê um abraço na Marlene! Te amo muito, meu amigo.

  3. What??? You're 29?? How is that, when your little sis is 28? Did I do my math wrong? Am I younger than I am telling people?
